

Home / Applications / Wire and Cable Materials / Hot Melt Aluminum Foil Tape
Hot Melt Aluminum Foil Tape

Hot melt aluminum foil laminated materials are created by evenly applying a layer of hot melt adhesive or hot melt film on the surface of single-sided aluminum foil or film. This ensures a strong bond between the hot melt layer and different outer materials during the heating process. We offer customized hot melt laminated materials to meet various temperature and environmental requirements.


These products are typically used for shielding, insulation, and securing functions in high-speed data lines such as SFP, QSFP, and SAS. They not only ensure strong adhesion between materials but also provide excellent shielding performance, effectively isolating external electromagnetic interference to ensure exceptional signal transmission stability. Whether in high or low-temperature environments, they perform admirably, offering outstanding shielding, insulation, and securing effects to ensure the reliability of data transmission.